
Attention: If you have not migrated your SFM V1 tokens to SFM V2 or had an
unsuccessful migration, please visit our Migration Completion Program

SFM V1 token holders can also use our Swap at https://swap.safemoon.com/


pSafeMoon Update: SafeMoon's partnership with pTokens has come to a natural end. The pSafeMoon token holders are invited to participate in our pSafeMoon Migration Program Here

Welcome to


Community-driven Innovation for Good

SafeMoon (SFM) V2 Contract:


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SafeMoon Wallet

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About Us

A human-focused technology and innovation business expanding blockchain technologies for a brighter tomorrow.

Deeply connected to and driven by our award winning community (The SafeMoon Army), we are innovating for good. Building blockchain, commerce, metaverse and NFT products to derive new kinds of value from crypto technology and to apply it to increasingly better use.

We are now addressing the second part of our mission – the expansion and channeling of our technology to propel new innovations for good, and a Venture Philanthropy model to advance those innovations to every part of the world.

spaceman stars
The Token

The SafeMoon Protocol V2 is a community focused DeFi token that forms part of the expanding SafeMoon ecosystem.

Four simple functions occur during each trade

  • Reflections
    4% is Redistributed to all existing holders
  • LP Acquisition
    3% is added to liquidity
  • Token Burn
    2% of tokens are burned
  • Growth Fund
    1% is added to the SafeMoon Ecosystem Growth Fund
spaceman stars

Community Focused

Community Focused and fair launch. The dev team burned all of their tokens and participated with everyone else.

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Automatic LP

Every trade contributes towards auto-generating liquidity that goes into multiple pools used by exchanges

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RFI Static Rewards

Holders earn passive rewards through static reflection as they watch their balance of SafeMoon grow indefinitely.

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The SafeMoon Exchange

The SafeMoon exchange is a revolutionary new idea that will bring tokenomics to all of crypto on its platform. We call this Cryptonomics.

Coming Soon

SafeMoon - Innovating for Good

Building blockchain, commerce, metaverse and NFT products to derive new kinds of value from crypto technology and to apply it to increasingly better use. Advancing our innovations to every part of the world.
